Spousal Support Mediation

It’s difficult for any couple dealing with the end of a relationship to also figure out the money issue. Determining whether one spouse is entitled to spousal support, how much it should be and for how long it should be paid is often a complex process.

Spousal support is simply the money paid out to another spouse by one spouse after separation. It is sometimes referred to as alimony.

Issues that arise in spousal support matters

There are several factors used to determine whether spousal support will be paid and the amount to be paid. They include:

  • How long you have been in the marriage
  • The earning capacity of each spouse
  • The assets and property owned by each spouse
  • The debts or liabilities that one party may be involved in
  • Whether the parties were both involved in running a shared business
  • How each party contributed to the relationship
  • Whether there is a legal prenuptial agreement in place prior to the marriage or partnership relationship
  • Other factors such as the mental and physical health of each person

Why spousal support mediation?

The process of negotiating spousal support can be overwhelming for both parties. This is often because of the resentment and hurt that has likely built up over the years, making the negotiation process a lot more difficult. However, many couples would rather avoid what can turn out to be an unpleasant divorce court experience by seeking mediation.

With mediation, both spouses can move forward after coming up with a creative solution that may not be available in a courtroom. The litigation process can result in an outcome that is not exactly what either of you wanted. On the other hand, mediation allows you to offer and counter-offer until you reach an agreement with your spouse. Both sides are more likely to leave with satisfactory results after reaching their decision.

Mediation allows each other to be heard. Similarly, after a successful spousal support mediation process, the receiving spouse is likely to feel like they were given a reasonable offer.

You work together with the mediator to decide on the outcome and decide on a solution that is much easier to manage. Granted, divorce is a difficult and stressful process, but with spousal support mediation, you can get through it in a confidential and faster process rather than going through the litigation process. Our Mediation team will ensure you achieve your desired results. 

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